
U.S. investment migration trends

With the 2007 crisis in the United States substandard produce, the U.S. economy be affected, the Government has been the relaxation of U.S. investment policies and to increase immigration quotas, hoping to attract more foreign funds to help the development of the U.S. economy, which EB5 means the United States for investment immigration applications will be much easier and faster.

Because the United States investment immigrants with a certain degree of risk, therefore, many investors still holding a wait-and-see attitude, the United States compared with people who were investing in strategic vision for the investment project has its own risk awareness applicants. In future, less risky, with a rate of return on investment, a successful investment projects initiated by the management company will be more investment immigrants by investors.

Meicheng Tatsu Information Service Co., Ltd. SUSAN immigration experts predicted in 2008 by the American Life Limited launched Seattle Sodo area of investment projects will be a gradual migration by the Chinese investors Green ignorant. There are three reasons, first, about 50% of the investment customers are local residents and U.S. funds, their investment is not the purpose of obtaining immigration visas, but to obtain a stable return on investment; the second is by far the company has successfully operated the 35 projects and a large number of investors to settle the conditions of the lifting of the success of a green card case; The third is by the world body the authority to investigate the risk of D & B D & B as a "minimum risk" level.

The investment project can be said that immigration is a real sense of the word "investment" because the United States immigration law, no person shall make a return on venture capital will be abolished visa otherwise secured, so investors can invest in a large number of immigrants make the appropriate projects choose to go to avoid investment risks.'
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