
The 25 Largest Mutual Funds

Rank Symbol Fund Name1 FDRXX Fidelity Cash Reserves2 VMMXX Vanguard Prime MM;Inv3 PTTRX PIMCO:Tot Rtn;Inst4 PDR Trust;15 CJPXX JPMorgan:Prime MM;Cap6 AGTHX American Funds Gro;A7 CAIBX American Funds CIB;A8 TMPXX BlkRk Lq:TempFund;Instl9 CWGIX American Funds CWGI;A10 FCNTX Fidelity Contrafund 11 AIVSX American Funds ICA;A12 AMECX American Funds Inc;A13 OGVXX JPMorgan:US Gvt MM;Cap14 AWSHX American Funds Wash;A15 FTIXX Finl Sq:Trs Inst;FST16 VFINX Vanguard 500 Index;Inv17 VTSMX Vanguard T Stk Idx;Inv18 SWVXX Schwab:Val Adv Mny;Inv19 DIRXX Dreyfus Trs Prime;Inst20 GOIXX Federated Govt Obl;Inst21 FGTXX Finl Sq:Govt;FST22 FIGXX Fidelity IMM:Govt;I23 GVIXX WellsFargo:Govt MM;I24 SWUXX Schwab:US Treas Money25 JINXX JPMorgan:Prime MM;InstNEW YORK (Dow Jones) - Investors from the more than 4 0,000,000,000 U.S. dollars of stock and bond mutual funds in November, but the panic sell-off in the past few months appears to be weakening, according to the Wednesday figures released by research firm Lipper Inc.Despite the poor performance of the market compared to most of the time, 11 months to October, cash flow last month, more than they have at any time since the collapse of Lehman Brothers Holdings

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